

跟住老爸的介紹, 一起欣賞了蘇州著名藝術。

百多名爺爺奶奶們, 一邊茗茶一邊聽書, 十分入神。
先生說書抑揚跌蕩, 生鬼活潑, 有點像棟篤笑, 連我這外行也聽得津津有味。


慕名來到蘇州博物館, 欣賞貝聿銘設計。
採江南園林概念, 以灰白作主色, 配上簡約主義。
最佩服其使用蘇州建築借景法, 一幅幅風景畫窗前活現, 令人心平氣和。


蘇州雅緻園景, 實要花上一下午用心感受的。坐坐走走, 動觀靜看, 便會發覺其趣無窮。古人在園林吟詩作畫, 不奕樂乎! 難怪江南園林備受歷年皇帝推崇。

SuZhou/ NanJing/ 27.10.2007 - 2.11.2007

與大家分別後, 便展開蘇州,南京之旅。
跟一群城市人在一起, 習慣了吃吃喝喝, 出入潮流高級餐廳, 十足優皮一族。 與一年前到吳哥時大相逕庭。今趙走在古蹟中, 感覺陌生。


公元959年五代時期的建築, 塔身由黃泥,石頭組成, 紅色的油漆圖案還清晰可見。
寺塔逾千年而屹立不搖, 可世事變幻莫測, 能永恆不變又有幾個。

屋在景中, 景在屋中, 正是我對獅子林的感覺。
光從雕花窗戶透進, 樹影迷離, 十分惑人。領略到中國園林以漏窗借景, 把明媚景色及陽光帶進斗室中。

Home Again.

(Nov 2007. Hong Kong)

Feel so foreign

K picked me up at the airport last night and talked of re-adjusting to HK. I never quite believe it's necessary to re-adjust but it does.

As I was waiting in the supermarket line and taking in the surroundings, everything appears strangely clear and slow to me. I feel like I was observing every details from the eyes of the alien...

Everything feels different. The way people talk non-stop, the money talk people have, the shopping mall, the shops, the janitor and even my own apartment are very foreign. I barely remember where I put my stuff at home and I am in a very slow mode trying to figure out where to find the dishes and clothes. It's a weird feeling!

Going Home

Shanghai's skyline was skimming past outside. I was on my way home.

On a cab to the airport, I found the city silent and peaceful, as if they came out of a silent movie film. It felt peaceful, and felt just right. To leave.

The ceremony, the freelance work, dinner parties, amusement park, travel, making friends, knowing a city... Over these few months, I did them all.

So I bid Shanghai goodbye, when Shanghai's skyline was skimming past.

Shanghai Art Museum